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DesignOps at DAVID pt. 1

    How DAVID created a Single Source of Truth for product development to improve User Experience, accelerate implementation processes and ensure high code quality in our products.

    As a company in audio industry, our mission is to make our customers’ content the best suitable for the audience. Therefore we aim to provide optimal solutions, which meet our users’ needs and expectations. Using a set of products from the same vendor, the user expects them to look and behave the same, right?

    We started by creating a dedicated Design System to provide support for implementing new solutions. Our Design System exactly describes how elements should look like and how they should behave. Ideally it will save our developers’ time finding answers to questions such as: “How should this new element/solution look and behave like?”, “How should I ensure the usability of the solution?”, “How should I cover accessibility?”, “What is the best practice for this solution?” …

    Following the specifications in the Design System we could lay a base to consistency, usability and accessibility across our products.

    One simple web-component for example is a button, which appears in almost every UI in every product. Our design system provides the specification for the design for this button and it’s behaviour (e.g. how does the button look like, if the user is hovering it, which prerequisites need to be considered for this button to be accessible, how does it look in dark mode…).

    Yet we planned to go even further and actually implement the Design System, so that the developers didn’t even need to write code for these components, but just integrate them into their projects out of the box, wherever and whenever needed.

    Here’s how we’ve done it.

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